Friday, March 4, 2011

Not alone!

"We all have insecurities. They piggyback on the vulnerability inherent in our humanity. The question is whether or not our insecurities are substantial enough to hurt, limit, or even distract us from profound effectiveness or fulfillment of purpose... Are our insecurities snuffing the Spirit until our gifts, for all practical purposes, are largely unproductive or, at the very least tentative?" (Beth Moore, So Long, Insecurity p. 15)

This week started off a little emotionally bumpy. I was afraid to put my own vulnerabilities into words; even more afraid to openly put them out there before an audience. "What do they think of me now?" I thought to myself. It's amazing how alone we can feel when we keep those secret fears, worries and emotions locked up and hidden away. Only when we take the risk to expose our struggles to others do we have a chance to recognize these are common battles we fight. Expression can be the starting point of healing, of overcoming and of connecting. Openness with others leaves means a chance for hurt, but it also means a chance for real love and acceptance. It is the beauty and the pain of relationship.

This week, I've been so surprised by the feedback I've received from people who have read this blog. I am not alone! Fear and insecurity is something shared by all of us, although it may manifest in different ways. The fear of what people might think is especially a tricky one, since it can be so incredibly subtle - even fooling us for "wisdom" or "humility" at times. When I read the above quote from Beth Moore's book last year, it really struck a chord. Okay, I have insecurities. I am not a perfect human and I accept that. But am I allowing my insecurities to have the final word, instead of measuring them to the power of God? What has He asked me to do that instead of taking a step of faith, I hold back in fear? Am I missing out on the abundant and adventurous life of freedom that He bought for me with His own life?

"It is for freedom that Christ has set you free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery." - Galatians 5:1

We are in this together. I am praying that God will continue to untangle my yoke of fear, loosing it's hold on me more and more until I am able to fully live the life Christ has called me to live. I'm praying for you too, because as we become free an amazing thing happens - so do others! It's a struggle, but it's "the good fight" (1 Tim 4:7). I am so encouraged to continue running this race and see what else I will learn. Thank you for cheering me on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting about insecurities... I think the thing I struggle with the most in being insecure is a fear of failure, so that keeps me from doing what I know God has called me to do/be. I am almost 50 and have struggled so long with this. I applaud you for taking this step at the age you are... and for sharing your journey with us as an encouragement.

God bless you,